Sustainability is a method of managing or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged for future use. Currently geologists have located and noted all the kimberlite pipes on the planet where diamonds can be found. Most of all the \u2018low hanging fruit\u2019 have already been mined, meaning in order to keep the market supplied with diamonds, deeper and larger mines in more inaccessible and environmentally damaging regions are having to be operated. As the saying goes, \u2018diamonds are forever\u2019, unfortunately diamond mines are not. The cost of extraction will continue to increase as will the use of unfriendly environmental practices which use damaging fossil fuels to maintain the supply of their earth-mined diamonds. The mining of diamonds out of the Earth is by definition not sustainable and is getting less sustainable every year. We are seeing more consumers demanding diamonds that do not \u2018Cost the Earth\u2019. Earth mining diamonds requires diesel and dynamite, growing diamonds only requires carbon and electricity. Of all the elements in the universe, Carbon is the fourth most abundant. It is unlikely we will never have enough to fulfil our need of available carbon for diamonds. Because carbon is abundant, and electricity can be sourced from renewable sources, laboratory-grown diamonds are truly sustainable. There has been some pushback by the earth mining industry claiming the energy to create laboratory-grown diamonds is not as eco-friendly as claimed, since much of the electricity required is derived from coal-fired energy producers. This is true, however, where possible the laboratory factories are using renewable sources and have future goals to use more and more renewable energy sources as they become available. The lab-growing industry has at its core the philosophy of being ethical and environmentally friendly. There is little opportunity for the mining industry to migrate to eco-friendly systems.<\/p>\n<\/div><\/div>